Utah Realty Presents A Tale of Two Markets [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Tale of Two Markets [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights:

  • An emerging trend for some time now has been the difference between available inventory and demand in the premium and luxury markets and that in the starter and trade-up markets and what those differences are doing to prices!
  • Inventory continues to rise in the luxury and premium home markets which is causing prices to cool.
  • Demand continues to rise with lower-than-normal inventory levels in the starter and trade-up home markets, causing prices to rise on a year-over-year basis for 85 consecutive months.
Where to Get a Non-QM Loan

Where to Get a Non-QM Loan

Check if you meet the typical requirements: 620+ credit score, stable income, and consistent employment history. Look for lenders or mortgage brokers who work with non-QM wholesale lenders; they can connect you with options.

Top Markets for Office Development in the West

In 2024, the office sector saw significant changes with high vacancy rates and minimal increases in office utilization. Nationally, office space under construction decreased to 57.8 million square feet, down by 39 million from 2023. In the Western U.S., the office...

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