Why It Makes No Sense to Wait for Spring to Sell
The price of any item (including residential real estate) is determined by the theory of ‘supply and demand.’ If many people are looking to buy an item and the supply of that item is limited, the price of that item increases.
The supply of homes for sale dramatically increases every spring, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). As an example, here is what happened to housing inventory at the beginning of 2018:
Putting your home on the market now, rather than waiting for increased competition in the spring, might make a lot of sense.
Bottom Line
Buyers in the market during the winter are truly motivated purchasers and they want to buy now. With limited inventory currently available in most markets, sellers are in a great position to negotiate.
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Just think if you hire a Certified Residential Specialist that is a Master Certified Negotiation Expert! Last I checked the only on in the State of Utah is Marty Gale with Utah Realty. If more buyers see a home, the greater the chances...
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To access the business plan template go to www.sba.gov. Please call if you have questions (801) 205-1600. Search for Commercial Real Estate in Utah Your link for Commercial Real Estate in Utah Laurie Gale - Commercial Realtor
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https://bit.ly/2LYYeMH Utah Market Updates! State Wide Active Listings have trended up 10% since last month. Salt Lake County Active Listings rose from 1909 active homes for sale in Salt Lake County to 2157 active homes for sale. Utah County...