Utah Realty Presents A Tale of Two Markets [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Tale of Two Markets [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights:

  • An emerging trend for some time now has been the difference between available inventory and demand in the premium and luxury markets and that in the starter and trade-up markets and what those differences are doing to prices!
  • Inventory continues to rise in the luxury and premium home markets which is causing prices to cool.
  • Demand continues to rise with lower-than-normal inventory levels in the starter and trade-up home markets, causing prices to rise on a year-over-year basis for 85 consecutive months.

Realtor.com 2025 Housing Forecast

In 2025, home prices are projected to rise by 3.7%, with mortgage rates averaging 6.3%. The housing market may experience shifts due to potential regulatory and tax changes under a Trump administration. Home sales are expected to increase by 1.5%, while for-sale...

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