Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market

Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market

Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market

Some Highlights

  • With so few homes on the market right now, widening the scope of your search to include nearby areas could help you find more options in your budget.
  • You can also work with a trusted lender to consider alternative financing options and search for down payment assistance.
  • If you’ve been searching for a home but are concerned about rising costs, make sure you have a team of trusted real estate professionals for expert advice.
Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like 2008

Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like 2008

Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like 2008

You’ve likely seen headlines about the number of foreclosures climbing in today’s housing market. That may leave you with a few questions, especially if you’re thinking about buying a house. Understanding what they really mean is mission-critical if you want to know the truth about what’s happening today.

According to a recent report from ATTOM, a property data provider, foreclosure filings are up 6% compared to the previous quarter and 22% since one year ago. As media headlines call attention to this increase, reporting on just the number could actually generate worry and may even make you think twice about buying a home for fear that prices could crash. The reality is, while increasing, the data shows a foreclosure crisis is not where the market is headed.

Let’s look at the latest information with context so we can see how this compares to previous years.

It Isn’t the Dramatic Increase Headlines Would Have You Believe

In recent years, the number of foreclosures has been down to record lows. That’s because, in 2020 and 2021, the forbearance program and other relief options for homeowners helped millions of homeowners stay in their homes, allowing them to get back on their feet during a very challenging period. And with home values rising at the same time, many homeowners who may have found themselves facing foreclosure under other circumstances were able to leverage their equity and sell their houses rather than face foreclosure. Moving forward, equity will continue to be a factor that can help keep people from going into foreclosure.

As the government’s moratorium came to an end, there was an expected rise in foreclosures. But just because foreclosures are up doesn’t mean the housing market is in trouble. As Clare Trapasso, Executive News Editor at Realtor.com, says:

There’s no reason to panic, at least not yet. Foreclosure filings began ticking up . . . after the federal foreclosure moratorium ended. The moratorium was enacted in the early days of COVID-19, when millions of Americans lost their jobs, to prevent a tsunami of homeowners losing their properties. So some of these proceedings would have taken place during the pandemic but got delayed due to the moratorium. This is a bit of a catch-up.”

Basically, there’s not a sudden flood of foreclosures coming. Instead, some of the increase is due to the delayed activity explained above while more is from economic conditions. As Rob Barber, CEO of ATTOM, explains:

This unfortunate trend can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as rising unemployment rates, foreclosure filings making their way through the pipeline after two years of government intervention, and other ongoing economic challenges. However, with many homeowners still having significant home equity, that may help in keeping increased levels of foreclosure activity at bay.”

To further paint the picture of just how different the situation is now compared to the housing crash, take a look at the graph below. It shows foreclosure activity has been lower since the crash by looking at properties with a foreclosure filing going all the way back to 2005.

While foreclosures are climbing, it’s clear foreclosure activity now is nothing like it was during the housing crisis. In addition to all of the factors mentioned above, that’s also largely because buyers today are more qualified and less likely to default on their loans.

Today, foreclosures are far below the record-high number that was reported when the housing market crashed.

Bottom Line

Right now, putting the data into context is more important than ever. While the housing market is experiencing an expected rise in foreclosures, it’s nowhere near the crisis levels seen when the housing bubble burst, and that won’t lead to a crash in home prices.

Marty Gale

Buy or Sell with Marty Gale

"Its The Experience"

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Market Update for Real Estate in Salt Lake County 2023

Market Update for Real Estate in Salt Lake County 2023


Market Update for real estate in Salt Lake County 2023

As we approach 2023, the real estate market in Salt Lake County is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, experts predict that the market will continue to be strong, with steady growth in both home prices and sales volume.


One of the main factors driving the real estate market in Salt Lake County is the area’s strong economy. With a low unemployment rate and a diverse range of industries, Salt Lake County is an attractive place to live and work. This has led to a steady influx of new residents, which in turn has driven up demand for housing.


Another factor contributing to the strength of the real estate market in Salt Lake County is the area’s low inventory of homes for sale. This has created a competitive market, with multiple offers and bidding wars becoming increasingly common. As a result, home prices have continued to rise, with the median home price in Salt Lake County currently hovering around $400,000.


Despite the high prices, however, there are still opportunities for buyers in Salt Lake County. New construction is on the rise, with developers building a range of homes to meet the needs of different buyers. From luxury homes in exclusive neighborhoods to more affordable starter homes, there are options for buyers at every price point.


For sellers, the current market conditions in Salt Lake County are favorable. With low inventory and high demand, homes are selling quickly and often for above asking price. This has created a seller’s market, with many homeowners receiving multiple offers and having the luxury of choosing the best one.


Looking ahead to 2023, experts predict that the real estate market in Salt Lake County will continue to be strong. While there may be some fluctuations in home prices and sales volume, the overall trend is expected to be one of growth and stability. For buyers and sellers alike, this is good news, as it means that the real estate market in Salt Lake County will remain a solid investment for years to come.

Marty Gale

Buy or Sell with Marty Gale

"Its The Experience"

Principal Broker and Owner of Utah Realty™

Licensed Since 1986


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Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.

Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.

Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.

Owning a home means having a place that’s solely your own and provides the space, features, and location you and your loved ones need. But what happens when your needs change? If this hits home for you, it may be time to make a move.

According to the latest Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average person has lived in their current house for ten years. If you’ve been in your home for a while, think about how much in your life has changed since you moved in. Even if you thought it would be your forever home when you bought it, it doesn’t have to be. Work with a local real estate agent to explore all your options in today’s market before settling for your current home.

That’s actually what a lot of homeowners are doing right now. A recent survey from Realtor.com finds that, of people who are considering selling in 2023, one in three are thinking about moving because their home no longer meets their needs. And according to the same report from NAR, that’s consistent with this year’s top reasons for selling, which include:

  • Want to move closer to friends or family
  • Moving due to retirement
  • Home is too small or too large
  • Change in family situation
  • Job relocation

If things in your life have changed, it may be time to make a move. And there’s good news: it’s still a great time to sell. Here’s why.

We’re in a strong sellers’ market. That means homes listed at market value and in good condition are getting attention from buyers and selling quickly. Lean on your expert real estate advisor for the best advice on getting your house ready to sell.

Your equity can power your next move. There’s a good chance you have a significant amount of equity right now thanks to record levels of price appreciation in recent years. When you sell, you can use that equity to help afford your next home. In fact, NAR’s report from above shows 38% of recent buyers used the money from the sale of their previous home to cover the down payment on their next one. Work with a local real estate agent to learn how much equity you have and what you can do with it in today’s housing market.

Bottom Line

If your home no longer meets your needs, consider selling it so you can find your dream home. Let’s connect so you can learn about your options.

Marty Gale

Buy or Sell with Marty Gale

"Its The Experience"

Principal Broker and Owner of Utah Realty™

Licensed Since 1986


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Your Tax Refund Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

Your Tax Refund Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

Your Tax Refund Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

Have you been saving up to buy a home this year? If so, you know there are a variety of expenses involved – from your down payment to closing costs. But there’s good news – your tax refund can help you achieve your goals by paying for some of these expenses.

SmartAsset estimates the average American will receive a $1,798 tax refund this year. The map below provides a more detailed estimate by state:

According to Freddie Mac, there are multiple ways your refund check can help you as a homebuyer. If you’re getting a refund this year and thinking about buying a home, here are a few tips to keep:

  • Saving for a down payment – One of the largest barriers to homeownership is saving for a down payment. You could reach your savings goal more quickly than expected by using your tax refund to help with your down payment.
  • Paying for closing costs – You have to pay fees to your lender, real estate agent, and other parties involved in the homebuying transaction before you can officially take ownership of your home. You could direct your tax refund toward these closing costs.
  • Lowering your interest rate – Your lender might give you the option to buy down your mortgage interest rate during the homebuying process. That means, you could pay upfront to have a lower interest rate on your fixed-rate mortgage.

The best way to prepare to buy a home is to work with a trusted real estate professional who understands the process. They’ll help you navigate the costs you may encounter as you begin your homebuying journey.

Bottom Line

Your tax refund can help you reach your goals of homeownership. Let’s connect to discuss how you can start your journey today.

Marty Gale

Buy or Sell with Marty Gale

"Its The Experience"

Principal Broker and Owner of Utah Realty™

Licensed Since 1986


PSA  (Pricing Strategy Advisor)

General Contractor 2000 (in-active)
e-pro (advanced digital marketing) 2001
Certified Residential Specialist 2009

Certified Negotiation Expert 2014

Master Certified Negotiation Expert 2014
Certified Probate Specialist Since 2018

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