Half Off HUD and Bank Owned Homes in Utah
Good Neighbor Next Door Program
The purpose of the GNND program is to improve neighborhoods and the quality of life in communities throughout the county. This is accomplished by encouraging Law Enforcement Officers, Teachers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) to purchase and live in homes that are located in the same communities where they perform their daily responsibilities.
Eligible participants may purchase a home at a 50% discount off the current appraised value during the first seven days a qualifying property is listed for sale. For example, if the home has an appraised value of $200,000, eligible candidates can buy it for $100,000. Buyers can also apply for an FHA-insured mortgage and finance all closing costs, repairs, improvements, appliances and acquisition expenses. Participants must live in the home as their primary residence for three years to take complete advantage of the federal grant. After that, they can sell the home and keep all the profit, turn it into a rental home, or live in it as long as they like. There are no further restrictions after the three year commitment has been fulfilled. https://www.gnnd.com/ Sign up at: https://www.gnnd.com/-member/
Who Can Participate?
You must be employed full-time by a federal, state, county, parish, municipality, Indian tribal government, division of local government, or a state accredited public/private school. Neither your spouse nor you may currently own a home or have owned a home within the last year. Also, if you or your spouse have previously obtained a home on GNND Sales Program or under the predecessor programs Officer Next Door/Teacher Next Door, then you ARE NOT eligible.
How Do you Get a Half Priced House?
Sign up to get email and text message notifications of available homes in your area. GNND homes are only available for seven days on this program and it is vital that you are notified quickly in order to participate. Everyone has an equal opportunity to purchase each house available. HUD randomly selects the winner from all candidates interested in a particular property. We will assign a real estate Agent in your area to assist you. Participants must contact their assigned Agent to be placed into the lottery drawing. Your assigned Agent can provide you with Mortgage Lender information to get pre-qualified so that you are ready to take advantage of the best federal program in the nation which rewards you for your dedication to the community.
What are your chances?
VERY GOOD! Many homes have been awarded to participants because they were the only interested party. If one Teacher, one Firefighter and one Officer are interested in the same house, everyone has an equal opportunity and a 33% chance of becoming the Buyer. The odds of being selected the Buyer are directly proportionate to the number of interested participants. Many GNND homes have been lost from the program because no interested candidates were entered into the lottery drawing during the seven day GNND period.

Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Officers are restricted to GNND homes that are within the area serviced by their employer in the normal course of business. Your employer must certify that you are employed full-time by a law enforcement division of a federal government agency, a state, a parish, a unit of general local government or an Indian tribal government. Also, in carrying out such full-time employment, you are sworn to uphold, and make arrests for violations of, federal, state, tribal, county, parish, township, and/or municipal law. Civilian employees, supportive staff, dispatchers, and Law Enforcement agents of privately held universities, colleges and corporations are in most instances not eligible for the GNND program.

Public school teachers are eligible for any GNND home within the boundaries of their employer’s servicing area. Private school teachers are eligible for any home within the servicing area of their employer. Your employer must certify that you are employed full-time by a state-accredited public school or private school, as a classroom teacher in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade and that your agency serves students from the school district or, in the case of a private school, from the area where the home is located in the normal course of business. Administrators, paraprofessionals, teacher’s aids and supportive services staff are in most instances not eligible for the GNND program.

Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) must be employed by a fire department or emergency medical services responder unit of the federal government, of a state, of a parish, a unit of general local government, of a municipality, or an Indian tribal government serving the area where the home is located in the normal course of business. First responders employed by privately owned companies are in most instances not eligible for the GNND program .

What we do for you:
Provide helpful information throughout the entire GNND home buying process
Connect you with one of our trusted Agents from our national network
We help determine if you are eligible for a home
We will intervene if there is an program eligibility dispute with an Asset Manager
Information Courtsey of GNND Please sign up at: https://www.gnnd.com/new-member/