Up to $2000 Cash Back when you sell your home with us!
We are here to earn your respect as the trusted adviser when it comes to your home.
Utah Realty has created a unique program that rewards you with cash at closing for calling us instead of another agent when you want to buy or Sell.
Here are some of the benefits of our Home Seller Loyalty program.
We will represent your interests throughout the transaction.
As your listing agent we do 184 things in every transaction.
We will help you negotiate the best terms on your home sale or purchase.
We have a full team of experienced professionals, home inspectors, lenders, and handy man to help you.
Our goal is to help make the home buying process a fun & rewarding process.
How Cash Back Rewards works.
Once your property closes, funds and records, you receive cash back equal to .025% of your home’s purchase price. Example: Buy a home, condo or townhouse priced at $300,000 and receives cash back reward of $750.00, buy a home priced at $400,000 and receive cash back reward of $1000.00.
*All cash back reward are paid within 7 days after funding. Utah Realty is the representing brokerage on the listing side of the transaction. To be eligible for the Cash Back Rewards program you have completed the Home Buyer Rewards registration form below.
Up to $1000 Cash Back at closing.
Home Buyer Rewards is a “loyalty rewards” program. For your loyalty, our unique programs reward you with a credit or rebate towards the purchase price. The rebate would be part of the Buyers’ Commission we receive at closing.
Home Buyer Rewards help reduce the cost of buying a home. Rewards programs make buying property more affordable!
Utah Realty has created a unique program that rewards you with cash at closing for calling us instead of another agent when you want to see homes – after all, showing houses is one of the best parts of our job!
Our SPECIAL $500 Buyer Reward Program is our way of saying thanks. We like to invest in our buyer relationship and provide incentives to entice you to come back to us in the future. We strive to provide high quality service so that you will be excited to refer friends and family to us. We are here to earn your respect as the trusted advisor for buying or selling a home.
In the real estate industry buyers are our livelihood. We love to make clients a part of our Utah Realty Family! This is just one way of saying thank you! We want to find you a home with the same careful consideration, thoughtfulness, care and patience we would use for ourselves.
On Transactions above $350,000 we Award $1000.00 as a Commission Rebate.
Buy or Sell Your Home with us and Earn Cash Rewards
Earning cash rewards is simple.
We Have special Programs for Union Workers.
At Utah Realty know the moving process and how real estate plays a major role in most people’s life. What ever the reason for moving is, you will likely need some type of assistance with buying or selling of your home. We have over thirty years of experience the relocation process. A smooth transition is what we know how to do. We have put together the best top real estate services program available. As we become your guide in the real estate process we want to advise you that planning to buy or sell should be planned for long before it happens.
As you are first thinking about moving you will want to start thinking about optimizing your credit score, a budget for your new home, and possibly preparing your existing home for sale. Our goal is to pass our expertise and experience of helping hundreds of thousands of individuals relocate each year on to our customers so they have the best moving experience possible.
Some of the Unions we support with the Rewards Program!
Local | Contact info | Web Site |
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1592 |
801-777-3257 | https://www.afge1592.org |
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) (TSA) Local 1120 |
801- 726-4649 | https://www.afged11.org/ |
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 2185 |
435-833-2185 | https://www.afged11.org/ |
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 2199 |
582-1565 ex 1086 | https://www.afged11.org/ |
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (IBB) Local 4 |
801-910-9157 | https://www.boilermakers.org/ |
International Union of Elevator Constructors Elevator Constructors (IUEC) Local 38 |
801-467-1051 | https://www.iuec.org |
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) | 703-689-2270 | www.alpa.org |
Amalgamated Transit Local 382 (ATU) | 801-972-8560 | https://www.atu.org/ |
American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) Musicians Local 104 | 801-270-8087 | https://www.afm.org/ |
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1004 | 801-532-1009 | https://www.afscmeutah.org/ |
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Utah | 801-977-3786 | https://ut.aft.org/ |
American Postal Workers Union (APWU) | 202- 842-4200 | https://www.apwu.org/index2.htm |
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) Local 401 | 801-972-6768 | https://www.bctgm.org/ |
Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng. Div 846 | 801-487-7065 | www.ble.org |
Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7704 | 801-759-6000 | https://www.slcdsf.org/index.cfm |
Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7705 | 801-393-7705 | https://cwa-7705.org/default.aspx |
Communications Workers of America (CWA) LocaL 7700 | 801-364-9361 | https://www.cwa7704.org/ |
Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union (GMP) |
801-964-1409 | https://www.gmpiu.org/ |
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (IATSE) Local 838 |
801-320-0701 | https://iatse-intl.org/home.html |
International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (Ironworkers) Local 27 | 801-972-5714 | https://www.ironworkers27.org/ |
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local 69 | 801-972-3945 | https://www.insulators.org/pages/index.asp |
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Lodge 1287 | 801-252-9522 | https://www.goiam.org/ |
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Lodge 568 | 801-484-4469 | https://www.goiam.org/ |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 354 | 801-972-9354 | https://www.ibew354.org/ |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 57 | 801-270-5757 | https://www.ibew57.com/ |
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC)Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers #1of UT | 801-972-5087 | https://www.bacweb.org/ |
International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 3 | 801-328-8113 | https://www.oe3.org/ |
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades of the United States and Canada (IUPAT) Local 77 | 801-977-0732 | https://www.iupat.org/ |
Laborers Local 295 (LUNIA) | 801-972-6098 | https://www.nwliuna.org/utah-region.htm |
National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) | 801-320-2470 | https://www.natca.org/ |
National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch III | 801-973-6705 | https://www.branch111.com/ |
National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) Local 332 | 801-974-5678 | https://www.npmhu.org/NPMHUOffices/Local332.asp |
Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 11 | 801-973-2039 | https://www.opeiu11.org/ |
Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association of the United States and Canada (OP&CMIA) Local 568 | 801-972-5556 | https://www.opcmia.org |
Professional Firefighters of Utah (IAFF) | 801-270-0955 | https://www.pffu.org/ |
Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) | 801-763-0551 | https://www.sag.org/home |
Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA) Local 312 | 801-973-4804 | https://utahsheetmetal.com/ |
UNITE HERE (UNITE HERE) – Central States Joint Board | 510-635-4227 | https://www.unitehere.org/ |
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA) Pipefitters Local 140 | 801-973-6784 | https://www.ua.org/ |
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA)Sprinkler Fitters -Local 669 | 801-982-1025 | https://www.ua.org/ |
United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW) Employment & Training | 801-774-4000 | https://www.uaw.org/ |
United Food & Commercial (UFCW) Local 711 | 801-467-5469 | https://www.ufcw711.com/ |
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) District 22 | 435-637-2066 | https://www.umwa.org/ |
United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union (USW) Staff Representative | 801-831-4922 | https://www.usw.org/ |
United Transportation Union (UTU) | 801-209-9558 | https://www.utu.org/ |
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers (Roofers and Waterproofers) Local 91 | 801-972-6830 | https://www.unionroofers.com/ |