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How To Take Your Home and Transform It  into a House for Sale!

 Tips for Getting Your Home Ready to Sell!

1. Remove and Store Away Clutter
Remove and get rid of clutter. Start by clearing all counter tops, dressers, nightstands and tables.  For Kitchen items keep it down to three items on the counter.  Not the huge stuff. One item could be a coffee maker the other two decorative but functional items.  In the bathrooms put away the toothbrush holder under the cabinets.  Only leave items such as decor out.

1) Pack up family photos

2) Consider putting away memorabilia

3) Turn heavily-themed rooms into more neutral spaces

4) Hide personal keepsakes

5) Half Empty Closets

6) Don’t forget to remove the stuff on the front and top of the Refrigerator.

7) Prescription drugs should be put away out of sight.


2. Clean, Scrub Inside and Out
It is so important that your home be clean. In addition to your normal cleaning, go the extra mile and take the time to wipe down walls, doors, door casings and Baseboards. It is easy to do and will help your home to show that much better.

Wash your windows and screens. This lets more light into the interior and dirty windows are a turn off.

If you are too pressed for time hire a professional cleaning staff to go through the entire property before placing on the market.

Have your carpets cleaned by a professional and re-stretched if needed.

Get rid of smells. Clean carpeting and drapes to eliminate cooking odors, smoke, and pet smells. If carpets are old and need replacing, it is worth while to replace them. The additional price you receive for your house will most likely outweigh the expense. Open the windows. The number one turn off to a potential buyer is an unpleasant odor.


3. Pack up, you're moving soon.
Pack up un-needed items. Get some boxes and pack up seasonal clothing and shoes. This will open up your closet.  Try to pack up each room by 30%. This will create a bigger feeling to every room in the house. Remove most of your family photos and replace with mirrors to make the rooms look larger. I show properties all the time and find that the buyers just stand and look at family photos and forget about your house.   Hunters, good job bagging that trophy Elk, Deer, or Mountain Goat.  It’s time to  pack up your trophy’s for your next home.  The fact is many people moving into our area are just not used to seeing dead animals on the walls. Enough Said.


4. Neutralize The Colors
If you have some real dark or real bright colors you need to paint.

Paint your walls neutral colors. It is easier for a buyer to envision their belongings in a home that has subtle neutral colors throughout.

5. Create Furniture Groupings
Keep your traffic flow in main rooms clear by grouping sofa’s, chairs and tables to help give your room a bigger feel.
6. Accent color by using decor and accessories.
Use color or just white Linens and Duvets to contrast the Master paint and furnishings.
7. Lighting, Keep it light.
Make sure you use soft tone lamps and bulbs to give a warm feel. Florescent bulbs that have a blue light will make the buyer feel uncomfortable.
8. The front door is where the buyer's first impression starts.
Enhance the exterior of your home by putting a fresh coat of paint on your front door, casings and shutters. Trim bushes, trees and add some fresh mulch or bark. Remember, the front of your house is the first thing people will see when they come to see your home.

What a Staged Home Should Look Like


Grand Master Suite

Master Bath

Loft Bedroom

Family Room

Great Room

Chad Crowther Crowther Carpet Cleaning


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Infinity Flooring - Darren Wilkins


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