First Time Buyer Steps to success
Steps to Home Buying Success!
What hiring the right Realtor will do for you!. Buying a home can be one of the most exciting adventures you can have. It also can be one of the most overwhelming experiences, if you go it alone.
When you start looking at homes to buy the seller of those homes will have a real estate agent. That Agent represents the seller. You should have someone on your team to look after your best interest too!
The best part of hiring a Realtor to represent you, is usually it comes at no cost to you. In most circumstances the buyer agent fee is paid by the seller from the proceeds of the sale of their home.
What is the home buying process? First Step – Home Buying Consultation
We know on average you will typically start looking at properties up to 6 months before you are ready to buy. We understand this. In fact we provide a special website that allows you to view, compare and research homes on line for as long as you need. This provides you a thorough and extensive source for comparison shopping. The web address for the site is Subscribe to receive new listings, price change alerts and more. You control your price limits and areas! Compare homes in the same neighborhood. This is the latest and most up to date information available! Just like the local Multiple Listing Service the professionals use. The moment a Realtor lists a new property and places it on the MLS is when you see it! New hot priced homes are sent to your email instantly!
Working for you as a Buyers Agent. What is a Buyers Agent? What is Agency?
In The State of Utah there are 3 types of Agency.
1.Buyers Agent – Agent who represents buyer.
2.Sellers Agent – Agent who represents seller.
3.Limited Agent – working with both parties “limited” because the agent cannot provide both parties with undivided loyalty, confidentiality and disclosure. For this reason, the Limited Agent is bound by a further duty of neutrality.
AGENCY has fiduciary duties. For the agent representing the buyer or the seller . They include loyalty, obedience, full disclosure, confidentiality, reasonable care, and any other duties required by law.
Determine your needs. What is most important to you?
Many Factors Play Into Finding the Right Home
Decision Making
Home Type
Home Size
We can help you sort out exactly what it is you are looking for!
Do I need to be Pre-Approved? Where do I go for financing? Which Mortgage Loan is Right for You?
The Pre Approval Process
Securing a loan prior to writing any kind of offer is of the utmost importance!
In most cases offers will not be seriously considered without proof of ability to perform. Either a bank statement showing proof of deposit or pre-qualification from a reputable lender are essential to the purchase process. We have lenders of all types that have proven themselves more than capable repeatedly. They have provided service that resulted in uncompromised consumer satisfaction.
Which Mortgage Loan is Right for You?
Finding the right home mortgage is equally as important as the home you select.
When it comes to getting a mortgage loan, homebuyers have fewer options than they did even a couple of years ago. In the mortgage market you will find three basic types of loans.
Fixed-interest mortgage – FHA, Conventional and VA. Utah Housing Program
With a fixed-rate home loan, your interest rate remains the same for the life of the loan and the payment is split into equal monthly payments for the duration. In other words, it is amortized over the life of the loan.
Variable Rate – Unlike a fixed-rate home loan, which carries a static interest rate over the life of the loan, the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, can changes every year. ARMs come in various permutations. For instance, a hybrid ARM features aspects of both adjustable and fixed-rate mortgages.
Hybrid mortgages can be anything from a three-year, five-year, seven-year or 10-year fixed interest rate period. After the fixed-rate period, the loan is amortized over the balance of the term with a rate that can adjust annually.
Can I get denied a loan even after I receive a loan pre-approval or pre-qualification?
Things you control to stay approved
Do make sure you stay current on your payments. One 30 day late could mean loan denial.
Do use your credit as usual. Changing your credit habits could raise red flags.
Do contact your mortgage professional before making credit or address changes.
Don’t Change Jobs.
Don’t apply for new credit. Including co-signing on a loan.
Don’t max out your credit cards.
Don’t consolidate debt.
Don’t close credit card accounts.
Things you may not have control of...
The home that is being purchased must meet approval too!
Must meet appraisal value.
Must meet condition standards. Roof, plumbing, wiring, etc.
Ok Now Ready To Buy! Home Searching Resources
Your best resource for home selection and advice is an experienced Realtor. Choosing a Certified Residential Specialist is a sure bet. A CRS has 3x times more experience! Marty Gale has been a CRS since 2009
Home Searching Resources
Our Website: has all current listed properties by all Real Estate Brokerages and Agents Just like the MLS.
Source How Many Homes are for Sale in a certain City.
Our Website: has all current listed properties by all Real Estate Brokerages and Agents Just like the MLS.
Receive Automated “Hot Sheet” updates
Once we narrow down your search criteria such as area, price, bedrooms etc., you can modify the listings to be sent as they come available. Hands down, this is one of the best ways to get a deal on a home!
What about Short Sale, Bank Owned, HUD and Other Foreclosed Properties?
We can Assist you in your search for these specific type of properties as well.
Viewing Homes?
As your Buyer Broker we schedule the showings and personally escort you through each home. We provide one on one counseling, advice and details on all properties. We work to learn as much as possible about a home that your are considering for purchase.
We just want to go to some open houses. Can we do that ourselves without having you present.
Of Course! But Beware! Talking to listing agents can potentially hurt you later on during the offer process.
When the seller’s agent is there, he or she will take note of your reactions. Our ability to negotiate can be greatly affected just by your inability to hide your excitement. When they ask questions, their objective is usually to find out what motivates you. This can work to your disadvantage when we negotiate your price. So if you go to open houses, tell the agent you are working with a Realtor. Keep your emotions under control and just look. Don’t answer a bunch of questions. Tell the other agent you will have your agent get in touch with them.
1. It is best to view between 5 to 10 properties to see at a time. There a several benefits to this.
2. It allows for some drop out of appointments. Some homes go under contract, some can’t be seen at that time slot.
3. Your education about the current marketplace grows as you see multiple homes.
4. It allows you to compare the features of each home.
Helpful hints for a good house hunting experience.
1. Bring something to drink. ( We provide bottled water.)
2. Eat first. It could take 4 hours to view that many properties.
3. Wear comfortable shoes. Some homeowners request that you remove your shoes so slip-ons are helpful.
4. If possible keep outside distractions at a minimum. If you bring children along it can distract you from the task at hand. You don’t want to let the right home slip from your attention.
5. Bring along a pen to take notes and a camera (or the one on your phone).
6. Finally allow plenty of time for the showings. We usually allow 30 minutes per home as a good rule of thumb.
Narrowing down and choosing the home.
It is rare to find “The Perfect Home” However, you will surely find one that will meet most of your needs.
List the items you cannot do without as a priority.
Drafting and Negotiating an Offer
The Utah Real Estate Purchase Contract – Residential
This contract has 25 sections. It needs to be thoroughly reviewed and every section explained in detail.
We will walk you through each and every section!
We Manage Your Transaction though to the Closing
Receive the Seller Disclosures
This is the process where the Seller is required to provide information relating to the property. • Seller Property Condition Disclosure – filled out, signed and dated from Seller. • Commitment for the policy of Title Insurance, showing easements, encroachments and liens. • HOA information, budget, minutes, assessments, CC&R’s, and survey, water rights if applicable. • Copy of any leases, rental, and property management affecting the property not expiring prior to closing. • Notice of any claims and/or conditions relating to environmental problems & building or zoning code violations.
Your Due Diligence (Evaluations and Inspections) – IMPORTANT DATES!
This is the time period provided to you as the Buyer to learn, review, inspect and decide if acceptable. • Carefully review all items provided in the Seller’s Disclosures. • Schedule any physical condition inspections, tests and evaluations deemed necessary. • Review the costs, terms and availability of homeowner’s insurance for the property.
Your Right to Cancel or Resolve Objections
If you determine the Evaluations and Inspections to be unacceptable, you may: • No later than the Due Diligence Deadline, cancel the contract by written notice to Seller. • Or no later than the Due Diligence Deadline, resolve in writing any objections.
Financing and Appraisal
In the final steps of the transaction we will coordinate and complete any remaining details. • Is the sale and/or mortgage contingent upon an appraisal? At what amount did the property appraise? • How is your financing going? Are there any last minute issues for securing your mortgage? • Is the sale contingent upon you selling your previous home? How is that sale going? • Schedule a final pre-settlement walk-through inspection.
Settlement, and then Closing shall take place only when all of the following occur: • Buyer and Seller have signed all documents required by REPC, Title, Lender, etc. • Any monies required to be paid have been delivered by Buyer and/or Seller. • The proceeds of the new loan have been “funded”, then all closing docs are “recorded” at the County Recorder. • Hand off keys, garage door openers, manuals, warranties. • Help you to find a new home in this area or offer relocation assistance.

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