Utah Market Updates!
State Wide Active Listings have trended up 10% since last month.
- Salt Lake County Active Listings rose from 1909 active homes for sale in Salt Lake County to 2157 active homes for sale.
- Utah County Homes for sale – 1777 homes for sale in Utah County. As of May 30th inventory numbers have risen 11% from April. April was up 7% from March. Active inventories of homes for sale in Utah County are averaging 1777 homes for sale in Utah County
- Davis County Homes for sale – 548 Active for sale homes. As of June one inventories ares up 18% from the previous month of only 5%
- Wasatch County Home for Sale – As of June is 323 homes for sale. Up 14% from Last month.
Real Estate Agent Marketing Methods
Ready to sell your house? One of your top priorities may be getting help marketing your home. Partnering with a great agent can make all the difference. These are just a few strategies we can use to get your house more visibility. Ready to maximize your home's...
Hiring a PSA or Pricing Strategy Advisor is the Key to Pricing your Home Right
Your Agent Is the Key To Pricing Your House Right [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights The asking price for your house can impact your bottom line and how quickly it sells. Both under- and overpricing have drawbacks. So to find the right price for your house, lean on your...
Home Prices Rising in the Next 5 Years
Wondering about the future of home prices? Here's the scoop. Experts forecast a steady rise in home prices until at least 2028. That means buying now sets you up to gain equity as values climb. But, if you wait, the price of a home will only be higher later on. If you...