Please keep in mind that most listing status changes must be made within three (3) business days of the date the status change occurs, with the exception of listings which are Canceled (change within 24 hours) and listings which are Sold (change within 5 business days).

Active – The listing is available for sale or lease and no offers (with or without contingencies) have been accepted. A listing in the “Active” status must be available for showings within a reasonable period of time (which generally means within four business days) after the listing has been placed in the Active status. This is an on-market status, and Days on Market (“DOM”) will accumulate.

Active T/C – The listing is under contract with an accepted offer, but a “Time Clause” addendum is in place and the buyer and seller agree that the property is to remain on-market so that additional offers may be solicited. This is an on-market status and DOM will accumulate.

Backup – The seller has accepted an offer on the listing, but the seller requests that the property remain on-market to solicit additional, back-up offers. This is an on-market status and DOM will accumulate.

Under Contract – The listing is under contract with an accepted offer. This is an off-market status and DOM will not accumulate.

Off Market – The listing is temporarily not available for showings per the seller’s request. However, a valid listing agreement is in effect.

  • Note: When in the Off Market status, DOM will not accumulate, photos are not required, and the listing will not be visible on or any IDX or syndication websites.

Withdrawn – A valid listing agreement is in effect, however, the seller and listing broker have agreed to withdraw the listing from being marketed through the MLS.

Canceled – The listing agreement has been terminated prior to the expiration date specified in the listing agreement.

Expired – The termination date of the listing agreement has passed, and a valid listing agreement for this listing is no longer in effect.

Sold – The listing has sold and title to the property has transferred from the seller to the buyer.

Leased – The listing has been leased.

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